Fluorescent lamps used in QUV® accelerated weathering testers emit mainly ultraviolet rather than visible or infrared light. All are electrically equivalent to an ordinary 40-watt fluorescent. However, each lamp type differs in the total amount of UV energy emitted and in its wavelength spectrum. Your exposure application determines which type of UV lamps should be used:
It is important to ensure you have the most up-to-date software installed on your tester. Visit this page to obtain the most recently-released software versions for QUV testers.
The QUV weathering tester’s ultraviolet lamps may cause severe sunburn or eye inflammation if not used properly. The following documents contain important safety information on ultraviolet hazards and should be carefully reviewed before operating your QUV tester.
Fluorescent UV lamps from Q-Lab come with an industry-leading warranty when used in QUV accelerated weathering testers. Achievable irradiance levels and warranties are detailed in the QUV Specification Bulletin
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