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Free Live Demonstration Webinar: 
QUV Accelerated Weathering Tester

Thursday, 04 May at 8 am EDT (UTC-4)

To register for the 11 am session instead, click here.

Part 1 of Q-Lab's 3-Part Video Webinar Tester Training Series 

QUV accelerated weathering test chambers can reproduce the damage caused to materials in outdoor and indoor service environments by ultraviolet light, heat, and water. In a few days or weeks, the QUV tester can simulate degradation that occurs over months or years outdoors. In this webinar, Q-Lab will present the essentials of operating and maintaining QUV weathering testers.

This session will begin with a short presentation that outlines the principles of QUV operation. Q-Lab's technical team will then demonstrate, live from our showroom, some of the most useful aspects of operating and maintaining the QUV accelerated weathering tester, including:

  • Key tester components and safety features
  • How to set up a test, including specimen mounting and tester configuration
  • Q-Lab's simple, user-friendly calibration and maintenance
  • Test programming and monitoring using our Gen 4 dual full-color touchscreen displays, available in 17 languages

Spots for this highly-requested, free webinar are limited - register now to save your seat!

This webinar will be presented in English.

Reserve my spot!